Outline for a Work of Botanical Sci-fi: Random Sample
The Trouble with Writing Outside: Narrative Northeast www.narrativenortheast.com/?p=5669
Speciation: Birdland Journal
The Twins: Natural Bridge (Print Only)
Sculpting: Natural Bridge (Print Only)
Last Breakfast at the 2 Bird: Red Flag Poetry (Postcards)
The Carbon Footprint of a Broken Heart: Neutrons Protons
The Night of Many Flushings: quarterlife
A History of My Politics: quarterlife
It Will Be Different This Time: quarterlife
Parked Between Two Wheat-covered Hills, Walla Walla, Washington: Blue Moon
Lines to a Friend Glimpsed Sulking in a Tangled Room: Blue Moon
The Trouble with Writing Outside: Narrative Northeast www.narrativenortheast.com/?p=5669
Speciation: Birdland Journal
The Twins: Natural Bridge (Print Only)
Sculpting: Natural Bridge (Print Only)
Last Breakfast at the 2 Bird: Red Flag Poetry (Postcards)
The Carbon Footprint of a Broken Heart: Neutrons Protons
The Night of Many Flushings: quarterlife
A History of My Politics: quarterlife
It Will Be Different This Time: quarterlife
Parked Between Two Wheat-covered Hills, Walla Walla, Washington: Blue Moon
Lines to a Friend Glimpsed Sulking in a Tangled Room: Blue Moon